The 5th International Conference on Branding and Marketing

The 5th International Conference on Branding and Marketing (DBM-V) organized by Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao China (IFT) together with co-organizers including University of South Carolina, U.S.A, University of Surrey, U.K. and Welsh Centre for Tourism Research, Cardiff Metropolitan University, U.K. will be held at IFT, Macao China during 3-5 December 2014.

The DBM Conference Series has provided a stimulating environment for practitioners, educators and researchers to discuss and debate the leading edge of research and practice in place and destination marketing and branding management since 2005. The first three DBM conferences were held in Macao. Last December 2012, DBM-IV was hosted to great success by Cardiff Metropolitan University.

DBM-V is now calling for papers with deadline for abstract submission on 3rd May 2014. The overall theme for DBM-V is “Building Enduring Place Brands” which draws upon the myriad challenges many destinations and communities now face in a moment-obsessed, social-media savvy world and where originality and lasting authenticity of place brands becomes increasingly difficult to achieve.

Details of registration will be announced soon in the conference website. For more information about DBM-V, please visit
