MTSI drops considerably Q1 2011

Macao Tourist Satisfaction Index 2011 Q1 Results


The latest update of the Macao Tourist Satisfaction Index (MTSI) showed a considerable decline in Q1 2011, to 66.1 out of a highest 100. This overall figure is much lower than the 73.7 recorded in the last quarter of 2010 (the highest level of satisfaction thus far recorded by the MTSI) and is also lower than the previous record low of 69.2 registered in Q4 2009.


This seemingly breaks a favorable trend observed throughout 2010 when all four quarterly MTSIs recorded were above 70. Notable however is that virtually ALL ten sectors which altogether make up the overall tourist satisfaction index for Macao, recorded declines in their own sectoral TSIs for Q1 2011, suggesting that the entire industry experienced considerable pressure during this period.


Of the ten sectors covered by the MTSI, satisfaction most declined with services related to immigration, retail shops, transportation, tour guides and tour operators. Even non-heritage attractions of Macao, which recorded good TSI throughout 2010, showed lukewarm overall performance. Only the heritage sector remained a satisfying sector for visitors in Macao during Q1. Readers must note that although some sectors shown above seem on average to be performing poorly, different sectors contribute in varying degrees of importance toward the overall satisfaction of visitors. Thus, a sector may perform on average very well or very poorly relative to others but this must be considered together with whether or not the sector is important to visitors or not. A combined chart showing this can be obtained in the full quarterly report.


Though further analysis is required, it is notable that the significant decline in MTSI for Q1 coincided with recent record visitor arrivals, increases in the Tourist Price Index as recently announced by the Statistics and Census Service and possible trend of increasing hotel demand.

About the MTSI

The MTSI is a long-term project of the International Tourism Research Centre of IFT designed to inform and monitor significant changes in Macao’s tourism industry and their impact on overall visitor satisfaction. Reports are issued quarterly with special supplemental analysis conducted on an ad hoc basis.


For more info

Please contact Ms. Wendy Tang of ITRC at We welcome questions and inquiries.
