IFT and Nankai joint Forum on China's Belt and Road Initiative was successfully held


IFT Tourism Research Centre of the Institute for Tourism Studies (ITRC) and the College of Tourism and Service Management of Nankai University jointly organised an international forum with Nankai University on China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Long-term Implications for Global Travel and Tourism on 20th April.  


The international forum invited international scholars and experts in panel discussions to jointly share their insights and exchange ideas on key questions related to China’s Belt and Road Initiative’s long-term impact on global travel and tourism.

During the event, President of IFT, Dr. Fanny Vong and Dean Designate of College of Tourism and Service Management of Nankai University, Prof. Hanqin Qiu gave their welcome remarks respectively. Moderators and discussants of the panel discussions included Emeritus Professor of International Tourism of the University of Strathclyde, UK and elected member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, Prof. Carson Lewis Jenkins, Assistant Professor of IFT, Dr. Eve Ren, Prof. Richard W. X. Hu, Department of Politics & Public Administration, University of Hong Kong, Dr. Tim Summers, Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof. Hanqin Qiu, College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, Dr. Hong Yu, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore and Dr. Yanzheng Tuo, Silk Road Tourism Research Center, Nankai University. 


While most discussions about the Belt and Road revolve around infrastructure, economic, and trade development, few, if any, in-depth dialogues have taken place focusing on the initiative’s long-term impact on global travel and tourism. Given the Belt and Road initiative also envisions cooperation in regional tourism and the development of cross-country tourism routes and products, the aim of this forum was to discuss and address some of the most important issues affecting global travel and tourism as a result of the momentous change, opportunities, as well as challenges brought forth by the Belt and Road initiative.


Through organising and participating in international conferences, ITRC of IFT plays a more active role in fostering research locally and internationally. Its collaboration with other universities helps bring attention to the most relevant issues about tourism related developments as well as benefit the tourism development of Macao in the long run.


The Proceedings papers and the event photos have been uploaded to the Forum's webpage, please feel free to view and download. 


是次論壇邀請到多位各地學者及專家出席,並就 “一帶一路” 對全球旅遊業的長期影響相關的重要議題作探討和互相交流。


活動上,旅遊學院院長黃竹君博士及南開大學旅遊與服務學院侯任院長邱漢琴教授分別致歡迎詞。專題討論主持及討論者包括英國斯特拉斯克萊德大學國際旅遊榮譽教授及國際旅遊研究院當選委員Carson Lewis Jenkins教授、旅遊學院副教授任連萍博士、香港大學政治與公共行政學系胡偉星教授、香港中文大學中國研究中心夏添恩博士、南開大學旅遊與服務學院邱漢琴教授、新加坡國立大學東亞研究所余虹博士及南開大學旅遊與服務學院絲路旅遊研究中心妥艷媜博士。


中國的 “一帶一路” 倡議旨在實現有史以來最具抱負和影響深遠的國際合作計劃之一,涉及亞洲、歐洲和非洲大陸60多個國家和地區,目標為促進這些國家之間更緊密的合作。儘管關於 “一帶一路” 的大部分討論圍繞著基礎設施、經濟和貿易發展,但該倡議對全球旅遊業的長期影響,則幾乎沒有任何深入的議論。由於 “一帶一路” 倡議設想在區域旅遊和跨國旅遊路線以及產品方面進行合作,本論壇的目的是討論和解析因重大變革、機遇以及 “一帶一路” 倡議帶來的挑戰而影響全球旅遊業的一些重要課題。




