The Second Conference of International Place Branding Association (IPBA)

The Second Conference of International Place Branding Association (IPBA) will be held on 5-7 December 2017 in Swansea, Wales, U.K. (Swansea Marriott Hotel and Swansea University Bay Campus.


The Conference will gather place branding experts from academia, practice and policy making
for a valuable discussion around this fascinating cutting edge intersection of marketing, tourism,
economic development, events organisation, heritage management, spatial design, public diplomacy and human geography.


The Conference intends to be inclusive of good quality papers and presentations that cover a wide range of topics but we particularly welcome contributions that:


  • Advance the theoretical understanding of the field incorporating cross‐disciplinary knowledge.
  • Use multiple, comparative case studies that reflect on cross‐case conclusions.
  • Advance the clarification of major concepts (e.g. place marketing vs place branding vs place promotion).
  • Explore and analyse the differences between major application fields (e.g. tourism vs. resident attachment vs. investment attraction) and/or major place scales (cities vs. regions vs. nations).
  • Critically examine the use and potential of digital technologies & social media in place branding.
  • Elaborate on the role of identity, history and heritage in the branding of places.
  • Examine the role of creativity and innovation in place branding strategies.
  • Analyse the significance of stakeholder engagement for effective place branding and methods to facilitate it.
  • Detail a potential future research agenda for place branding.




  • Submission of abstracts closes: May 1
  • Submission of full papers/ cases closes: June 30
  • Feedback to authors: August 30
  • Early Bird Registration closes: October 15
  • Re-submission of full papers/ cases closes: October 30
  • Registration closes: November 1
  • Conference: December 5-7


For more information and updates about the Conferenc and IPBA, please visit: We are looking forward to meeting you in Swansea !
